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JULHO 2009

Dia 24 (6ª feira)
Nine Inch Nails @ BUDAPESTE

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Broken Skin
Carpe Diem
Clara Bela
Com Um Supositório Isso Vai Lá
David Pinto 1979
Facing The Hours
Friend With Weed
Hanging By Threads of Palest Silver Kross On Fire
Lenore Miau
Manhãs da 3
Mas qual é a ideia?
Mina Anguelova
O Uno E O Múltiplo
On That Bleak Track
Pedaços De Nada
Pensamento do Morsa
Pink Poetry and my Thrill
Rita RedShoes
Strip The Soul
Tânia Bonnet
Um Pulinho

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The Paranoid Prophets
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Forum Sons
Last Days Of April
Musica No Coracao
Netphoria Forum
Paredes de Coura
Sapo Cultura
The Arcade Fire 01
The Arcade Fire 02
The Smashing Pumpkins 01
The Smashing Pumpkins 02
Zomb Forum

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this Book has been here:

since 15th June 2006

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[ The Writer ]

KaRL, (Lisboa) Portugal
(more about me)

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[ Lost Pages ]

bye bye summer
3 times in 11 days...
500 posts
some words...
life is a rollercoaster...
4 years later...
plans for SATURDAY...

[ Library ]

junho 2006
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janeiro 2010
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julho 2010
agosto 2010
setembro 2010
outubro 2010
novembro 2010
março 2011
setembro 2011
outubro 2011

[segunda-feira, outubro 24, 2011]

bye bye summer

a very strange summer. shitty august, great october until yesterday exactly.

oh well, see you next year my dear summer. maybe in another place.


por KaRL * 10/24/2011 03:26:00 da tarde


[sexta-feira, outubro 21, 2011]

3 times in 11 days...


por KaRL * 10/21/2011 09:41:00 da manhã


[quarta-feira, outubro 12, 2011]


... smelling like summer.

what is wrong in this? nothing at all. more than 30º C, sunny sky, stars falling in the night.

The Smashing Pumpkins @ Campo Pequeno - 8th December 2011.
I hope to be there. The ticket was bought and kept safe a few weeks ago. It looks like it will be a sold-out gig. Time to rock!

So many guests this year. Probably I will forget someone but... 4 hungarian friends, 1 polish friend, 2 brothers in law, 2 parents in law, 1 sister in law... and maybe more to come.

My Zero passed away last Summer, a few days after my wedding. Best wedding ever. Portuguese, hungarian and polish... a nice party mix. great food, some guitar playing, wonderful view of the city of Budapest, the best people in the world... oh well. It was a perfect wedding with the perfect bride... who became my perfect wife.

Every year I say the next year will be full of big changes. Until now, I haven't mistaken anyone.

2010 - live, travel, move in to a new wonderful flat and share a life with the love of my life;
2011 - marry her;
2012 - it is going to be legen... wait for it... DARY! ;)

Best Regards,
Carlos Sousa

por KaRL * 10/12/2011 12:21:00 da tarde


[domingo, outubro 02, 2011]


weekend... sick... nothing else. no news at all. anxiety growing. over and out.

por KaRL * 10/02/2011 07:13:00 da tarde


[terça-feira, setembro 27, 2011]

500 posts

500 posts...

hmmm what should I say?

I got married!


I think this was a nice 500th post ;)

por KaRL * 9/27/2011 12:09:00 da tarde


some words...

It's been a long time since I've been here.

Hopefully, I will make my big comeback into the blogosphere next year.

For now, I came here to post one of my Facebook posts:

"Smoking is an addiction; it costs (it ain't free); it makes you smell; it makes you tired; it makes you miss a lot of things (like the taste and the smell of wonderful things).. and... for fuck's sake... SMOKING KILLS! I'm sure everyone can find a better thing to hold in their hands and put in their mouths...

Sometimes it feels good, yeah. I know the smoker's point of view. I was one myself in the past (a soft/mild one). And I didn't even mention the "selfishness" involved in this matter (you know, contributing to spread the disease in innocent people sometimes: the passive smokers). The thing is that the good things do not compensate the bad ones... not even close! :) anyway... have a nice week, everyone."

por KaRL * 9/27/2011 11:45:00 da manhã


[terça-feira, março 22, 2011]


as promised... 2011... a year of big changes.

here we go!!!

por KaRL * 3/22/2011 04:11:00 da tarde


[terça-feira, novembro 16, 2010]

life is a rollercoaster...

And so life... with its ups and downs, is always giving us surprises!
So many twists in such a few days. This blog is back. Santarém is still there. I was engaged to a gourmet waitress; now I'm engaged to a teacher. The love is still the same but maybe more and more and more. Who would know my life would be like this, hum?

For it to exist, is peace really needed from both sides? Or as long as I feel peace, this means that it is here/there... everywhere I want?

Rain inside the house, building an extra office, a few more ideas for the future... life can change so easily, surprises are always coming at us. A bad thing might happen and try to break us but... who cares as long as you feel loved and you get surrounded by people and things that warm your soul?

I enjoy partying on Friday night because I also enjoy sitting at home watching a movie, cooking nice food (or order pizza hut stuff) under a warm blanket, sitting in my favourite pouff. The weekend seems longer, specially on Saturday lunch. Don't ask me why... this is just how things are and how things happen to me.

Ohhhh but a nice pancake evening with some polish/hungarian/polish/etc friends... followed by a bad music party... how could I complain. really! Being the oldest, feeling like the wildest... This is me...

... smiling out in the cold!

por KaRL * 11/16/2010 11:32:00 da manhã
