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JULHO 2009

Dia 24 (6ª feira)
Nine Inch Nails @ BUDAPESTE

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Lenore Miau
Manhãs da 3
Mas qual é a ideia?
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O Uno E O Múltiplo
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KaRL, (Lisboa) Portugal
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bye bye summer
3 times in 11 days...
500 posts
some words...
life is a rollercoaster...
4 years later...
plans for SATURDAY...

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[sábado, agosto 29, 2009]

my babies... UPDATE 3

Words are useless... these pictures are enough! I Love You, kids!

por KaRL * 8/29/2009 09:05:00 da tarde


[quinta-feira, agosto 27, 2009]


I feel ready to let you go...

and I hope to see you on the other side.
but whatever happens... I am The Smashing Pumpkins ;)

por KaRL * 8/27/2009 02:44:00 da tarde


[quarta-feira, agosto 26, 2009]

mode repeat: on

because I love this song, because it's important to me, because I miss you and you will always be important to me...

This one goes out... to you!

por KaRL * 8/26/2009 11:36:00 da manhã


[domingo, agosto 23, 2009]

I guess I'm waiting...

and so are you...

por KaRL * 8/23/2009 05:24:00 da tarde


[sábado, agosto 22, 2009]

shopping online and my diet...

as most of you know, I do my "big" monthly shopping in the Continente Online so they can deliver my things at my place.

I do a lot of small shopping too.. well just sometimes.

Anyway, I have decidide to resume my diet. I had tried to lose some weight a few months ago and I was succeding but then vacations came along, dinners, parties, etc...

Now I have put my mind on it again!

So I ordered my things and sometimes they are out of stock so I don't get and I dont paid them either.

Today there were only 2 or 3 itens that were out of stock and they were the "worst things for my diet" that I had ordered. Therefore I was happy because I hadn't resisted about ordering them but those guys will not bring them to me... it almost looks like they are trying to help me on my diet.

Ok, so this was today's stupid post.
Cya later :)

por KaRL * 8/22/2009 11:54:00 da manhã


[sexta-feira, agosto 21, 2009]

"Fucking up a dream"

the waiting, the decisions, the anxiety.
the flowers falling to the ground.
the hug, the kiss, the whispered words you've been longing to hear.

the driving, the beloved city, the wine.
home sweet home.
the wine, the sex.

the wine, the food, the taste.
the home tour, the sex, the wine.

the night, the landscapes, the love.
the bars, the wine, the movies, the culture, the bed.

the long conversations, the wine, the translated words, the sex.
the hug, the kiss, the whispered words that made you fall in love with me...

the sleep, the sheets, the dreams...

por KaRL * 8/21/2009 09:36:00 da manhã


[quinta-feira, agosto 20, 2009]

I hate it but... i must say that...

I see you sleeping
Only in my mind
And I have been away
alone this season
I waste so much time
Thinking of when I
Would hold you gently
And I'd look into your eyes
And I would be the one
To calm your shaking
When you would cry

I miss you in my life
I miss you in my life
I miss you in my life
So miss you in my life

You hide your answers
Within every smile
And time and time again
I'd lose my chances
To reconcile

And even if I had my time over
It would take awhile
To reveal all my best intentions
That I let slip by

I miss you in my life
So miss you in my life
I miss you in my life
Now I miss you in my life...

por KaRL * 8/20/2009 09:43:00 da manhã


[terça-feira, agosto 18, 2009]

smashing thoughts...

These have been strange days...

My boss went on vacations for three weeks and put his (professional) faith and trust in me. I was left alone to do something that we've always done together, as a team. What a responsabilty, what a test! I don't like to fail, specially when others are expecting that i succeed.

It was a good week, I tried my best and concentrated in my work. I believe I pulled it off. I did it! I succeeded! Proud proud proud proud proud... Of me. Fuck the rest!
Then, the next days were (have been) very quiet and I've managed to deal with them. A lot of bumps, a lot of fights, a lot of "fuck you"'s... And I am still right here! Yes, I am still right here. Nothing could touch me. I know who I am. REBORN! Never forget. Karl!

A few weeks ago, I talked to you about Re-birth... My own re-Birth... And this is what I'm talking about. I JUST WANT TO BE ME... WHEN I CAN, I WILL! And I am trying hard...

I showed you I've forgiven you and I'll always hope to be forgiven... I fucking deserve it... The bad stuff you know... But hey... I'm a just a boy. Fucked up boy. Ian Curtis, Joel, Batman... Me!

The days are passing by and life is too short. I miss you. I send a heart to all my dearies.... I miss you. Really. And I am sorry. I really am.

Week... Another week... What a waste?? Maybe not... I am trying! Intense shit. Such intense shit. I bite my own arms, my vampire bat smiles, my blood feels alive. I am one! You're my number one. Should I give a fuck? I need to drive you into the night of my heart. Even bats can smile and laugh.

Bodies! Ironies of peace. I miss you but I don't need you. All I need is Love... La la la la.... True love. Real love... Is it me you're after?

Oh the wine, oh the promises, oh the fears and dreams... I must not fear dreaming. Dreaming is free! 23! 33?! I pull my collar up and face the cold... On my own! I am still right here. I'm here. Please take me home... Starla dear....

What a fucked up post! Lots of mixed things, confusing things but hey! Life is simple. We just enjoy fucking it up. I will not waste my time explaining! Really, fucktards! I have more important things to do. Please respect me, please love me... But love the person I am, love my confusion, love my sincerity, love my hate, love my needs, love my peace of mind, love me. I need love. And I love you all.

At the end of the day... Work is behind me, my home awaits, and I hope to have someone waiting for me when I open the door... Well, maybe next time. For now, intensity is the word. Enjoying, taking what I can, experience it, experience you, experiencing myself. try try try. come on. try to hold on to this heart a little bit longer...

por KaRL * 8/18/2009 09:52:00 da manhã


[segunda-feira, agosto 17, 2009]

diz que estes senhores cá vêm...

... ao "meu" Santiago Alquimista!

15 de Dezembro (3 dias depois de Biffy Clyro).


por KaRL * 8/17/2009 04:45:00 da tarde


[sexta-feira, agosto 14, 2009]


Numa bela 4ª feira (5 de Agosto)...

Finalizado mais um belo jogo de futebol, deparo-me com a seguinte situação: o alarme do carro não funciona. Aliás, funciona. O comando do alarme é que ficou sem pilha operacional. Hmmmm. Não consigo abrir o carro pois nem a chave do alarme eu tinha. A senhora Guida do Senhor Tiago safou-me sem dar conta. O Senhor Tiago tinha o comando do alarme da senhora Guida (comando do alarme ou da garagem dela; uma destas opções!). Emprestou-me a pilha e eu lá consegui abrir o carro. Uff. Pensei: "a ver se amanhã compro a uma pilha nova!". E fui para casa.

Como o comando do alarme não funcionava (pois tinha devolvido a pilha ao seu dono, obviamente), apenas tranquei o carro com a chave normal, como milhares de pessoas fazem a todo o segundo que passa.

No dia seguinte, chego perto da minha viatura e vejo que os trincos das portas estão levantados, ou seja, as portas estavam abertas. Tenho a certeza que tinha trancado o carro, por isso temi o pior. SIM! Assaltaram-me o carro! Terceira vez que o fazem desde que tenho carta/carro. Com este carro foi a segunda vez. Um clássico alvo para todos os gatunos. Lucky me!

"Foda-se" - pensei eu. Tudo desarrumado. Era o colete deitado no banco, os CDs (carregados de MP3) pelo chão, o banco desalinhado do seu lugar habitual... Foda-se! A mala está aberta. Vou verificar. Nova desarrumação. Saco-cama para um lado, suporte do GPS para o outro. Tudo por lá. Não roubaram nada. Tiveram tempo suficiente para desarrumar mas nem se dignaram a roubar nada. Claro que nunca iria deixar o rádio no carro, nem telemóvel, nem óculos escuros e muito menos o GPS (já me bastou que me tivessem roubado um há uns tempos). E pronto. Comprei a pilha e a vida seguiu normalmente.

Dias depois lembrei-me. Ahhhh e o auricular bluetooth? Não me recordava de o ter visto dentro do carro. Pronto! Afinal sempre me roubaram alguma coisa. Sacanas.
Ahhhhh e o meu Jack e o pin Super Bock? Cadê estes objectos que fazem a vez de terço e imagem religiosa no meu carro?

Bem, hoje lembrei-me de verificar estes pensamentos carregados de dúvida. O auricular continuava lá no mesmo sítio e o meu Jack e o Pin continuam a baloiçar-se no espelho retrovisor.
Ahhhhh afinal não roubaram mesmo nada; só desarrumaram! Bonito. Cabrões. Filhos da Puta e afins!

PS: se isto volta a acontecer, sou gajo para me armar em justiceiro, deixar o carro sem o alarme ligado e ficar escondido uma noite inteira à coca (odeio esta expressão)! Palavra de Karl. E a vida continua...

por KaRL * 8/14/2009 10:02:00 da manhã


[quinta-feira, agosto 13, 2009]

4ªs Feiras...

2ª a 6ª feira... 5 dias...

o meu favorito é a 4ª feira. e por quê?


e quando as coisas correm bem, quando sinto a energia, quando tenho explosões de garra e paixão, quando o próprio jogo me emociona... e quando suo e me sinto mais leve... ir para casa, em toda a sua inevitabilidade, é algo que gostaria de adiar.
Digo palavrões (sem querer ofender ninguém), celebro os golos como mais ninguém o faz, dedico golos e tudo... por pura loucura e vício... e por ligação do meu corpo ao desporto mencionado.

Dias como o de ontem, em que o jogo termina com um golo marcado por mim, em esforço, quando as energias faltavam a toda a gente... são sempre dias que me fazem sorrir!

Estou em forma e, como tal, algo me diz que, mais cedo ou mais tarde, me vou voltar a lesionar.

ahhhh futebol... uma cabeça partida, dois ou três dedos partidos, um pulso rachado, um ombro arruinado, um joelho danificado, várias distensões musculares, arranhões e nódoas negras... adoro-te!

por KaRL * 8/13/2009 10:12:00 da manhã


[quarta-feira, agosto 12, 2009]

(das) MELHORES NOTÍCIAS (do ano)

12 de Dezembro de 2009

atrás da minha casinha!

oh yeah!!! it's time to rock!

por KaRL * 8/12/2009 11:05:00 da manhã


[terça-feira, agosto 11, 2009]


Sempre que uso uma t-shirt com o logo de BAUHAUS na frente e a letra da "CROWDS" nas costas (cena exclusiva e tal)... sinto o peso desta música em cima e, com todo o atrevimento possível do interior da minha tenebrosa alma... encho-me de uma coragem quase infantil...

What do you want of me
What do you long from me
A slim pixie, thin and forlorn
A count, white and drawn
What do you make of me
What can you take from me
Pallid landscapes off my frown
Let me rip you up and down

For you I came to forsake
Lay wide despise and hate
I sing of you in my demented songs
For you and your stimulations
Take what you can of me
Rip what you can off me
And this Ill say to you
And hope that it gets through

You worthless bitch
You fickle shit
You will spit on me
You will make me spit
And when the judas howl arise
And like the jesus jews you epitomize
Ill still be here as strong as you
And Ill walk away in spite of you

And Ill walk away
Walk away

por KaRL * 8/11/2009 07:56:00 da tarde


[segunda-feira, agosto 10, 2009]

i feel goooooddddd

ok... depois de 17 horas... uff... vou embora...

Amanhã é outro dia e... I THINK I DID IT!!! :)

por KaRL * 8/10/2009 10:58:00 da tarde


hey eu...

estou vivo!

se nem o trabalho me mata, não ia ser a tua falta de respeito, nem a tua maldade, nem o teu egoísmo que o iriam fazer.


PS: i am working... a lot!!!

por KaRL * 8/10/2009 06:44:00 da tarde


[segunda-feira, agosto 03, 2009]

hERE I aM...

Depois de um fim-de-semana sem blog (houve um "enorme problema" com o google/blogger), estou de volta para falar de tudo e de nada.

So, I just wanted to leave you a few words about Budapest.

I went there on the 21st July of 2009... I went all by myself in some sort of self-discovery adventure. I was afraid this would be a boring trip (since this was the first time I had traveled alone for so many days). Fortunately, all this turned out to be a wonderful, funny, loveable adventure. Time went by with super-speed and at the end of this journey I just wished I could have stayed there for another week... but I had to come back to Lisbon. and so I did after 6 amazing days.

A lot of people know how to speak in English so communication was never a big problem. Things were cheap so money was never a problem either. I was always busy and with things to do so loneliness was never a problem (well, sometimes I wished I had someone to share some of the experiences I was going through but it never affected me; my loneliness never made sad and I enjoyed talking all by myself day and night).

What else can I say? The bridges, the river, the Parliament, the Buda castle, the Gellert Hill, the Synagogue, the Saint Stephen's hand, the wonderful wines (I tried 12 different wines Saturday afternoon during a very cozy and pretty festival in the Castle), the large streets, the big buildings, the beautiful and relaxed people, the strange money, the old but efficient means of transport, the National Gallery, the Nine Inch Nails concert, etc etc etc... I walked a lot, i killed one of my feet (the right foot is still in pretty bad shape) but everything is so great, there is always something fun and cool to do. I wish I had stayed there for a longer period of time but... that's life!

I took around 300 pictures but I haven't had the time and patience to put them here... As soon as possible, I will show you some great pictures of this wonderful city to which I have fallen in love.

Ps: HEY, PIG!!! (this sentence will live in Budapest for a long long long time and also in my heart... Thank you everyone!)

por KaRL * 8/03/2009 11:34:00 da manhã
